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Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:14 am
by Cody Darr
Mikey wrote:Leave it all free.

If you want to be paid, work at a game studio.

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:17 am
by Phathry25
m121c wrote:Nothing is free in life unfortunately. This game wasn't free. JLV said that once he is over this game and is done making money from it he will release the source files. Why is any different for a creator to get the money they want from their work and once they get that money then the files are released? I don't see a difference really.
Nobody has said you don't have the right to do that. Everyone has said it's a bad idea.

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:18 am
by Cody Darr
This is a good idea for you modelers though, its gives us guys incentive to donate to get something just for us!

jlv wrote:I believe Attacker is planning on releasing it for free if the goal is reached, so the people who contribute would most likely get some level of personalization rather than a download. Probably something like $5 = custom name/number included in the pack, $50 = custom graphics included in the pack. So if I contribute $5, there'll be a "Vanderhoof #148" skin in the pack, for $50 there'll be a full "No Frills Racing" skin. Those are just numbers/options I made up, what Attacker actually does is up to him.

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:27 am
by m121c
Saw that to and thought it was really good idea.

Phat what I ment was everyone is making it seem like the creators who are for the kickstart idea are the bad guys but yet there is no difference between that and the source files for this game but yet jlv isn't the bad guy right? So why are the creators bad guys for asking for a little donation? If you can pay $10's for a iRacing car you can donate $5's towards a new bike model in my opinion.

I'm glad jlv brought this idea up it could definitely go somewhere.

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:31 am
by Phathry25
No offense, but I don't trust you guys to deliver in a way that would satisfy me. I voiced my concerns for this earlier. With iRacing I can trust them and the car is already done when I buy it. But I personally don't feel it's fair to compare. One it's professionally licensed and built. Two it's not just a model.

That said I said earlier I am happy to donate if I think I will be happy with my donation.

I too like JLVs idea.

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:33 am
by Boblob801
checkerz wrote:
Random question, were you given Mva games for free due to the fact you worked there and all?

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:39 am
by barrington314
Phathry25 wrote:Because he asked. It's not really that complicated barrington.
ehm made it sound like he was fine paying attacker but not anyone else.

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:41 am
by barrington314
I thought Attacker was making his own game with Joe Sawyer anyways? Or is that just a rumor?

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:43 am
by Boblob801
barrington314 wrote:I thought Attacker was making his own game with Joe Sawyer anyways? Or is that just a rumor?
He did. Wasn't what everyone expect.

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:57 am
by KTM57
Are your works even going to be better if you're making some money off of us? I don't know if I'd actually pay for any of the individual content that's been released for this game.

To me, it just seems like you're taking advantage of the market that JLV has built for you in order to make money off of your work that you do for fun. I don't see anyone demanding a new YZ125 or forcing you to make stuff for the game. The fun will be sucked out of content creation and MX Simulator as a whole if anyone were to start charging in any way for their work. Add a Paypal donation link with your release, but don't release something and cry when people take advantage of the files that you put up for free.

Aside from JLV's original game, two things drive MX Simulator and keep it interesting: Race Factory and the ability to create and download content. With the introduction of paid DLC, even if it's just creators begging for the crowd of 25+ year olds' donations (barely anybody under 25 has money to donate or the means to do so), this game will likely die out extremely quickly.

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 3:09 am
by MXJProductions
Although I believe in getting paid for work, this is just a hobby. So after seeing all the different sides, I do agree with August on this. Looking at games like ALIVE, although I do not know why exactly they shut that game down as well the studio, but I would think DLC was not helping matters in some ways. Maybe Chris can chime in on that, as I do not know as far as market if it did any good compared to the non DLC games of the past. A lot of the reason people are attracted to this game is yes the tracks/models/physics/videos etc etc, but also because they can just download the content,and not go to some Depot on their console , and spend money outside of buying the game. Or at least that is my personal opinion.

Hopefully we can find a happy medium to this issue. Not sure if people have noticed but Kawasakis always had a donate link to all of his releases, not sure if he has done well with that but as mentioned before, it is an option as well.

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:01 am
by Pumaxcs
I've already written this game off to the grave. I still love it but the community hasn't been a community for a long time and it doesn't seem to get any better. Once one person gets paid then the next guy will want to get paid for what he creates until there are only a few people still releasing for free. This game isn't large enough for this kind of stuff and I doubt we will make it much longer as a game at this rate. I've always agreed with Checkerz on this debate; where do you draw the line of what deserves a donation and what doesn't?

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:09 am
by JP37R
MXJProductions wrote:...May sound far fetched , but if you are going to create something, create something you draw up yourself instead of something that has already been thought of....
Totally agree with this. Creating original models/designs may even attract attention from people outside the game in the moto industry soliciting your designs or artwork. Granted you would need a ton of luck and some outstandingly creative work, but it's more possible to happen with original creative works rather than replicas of existing real life designs/artwork.

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:10 am
by tyskorn
If it were just donations like what has been done in the past then there wouldn't be any issues because you're donating to the person and not particularly for the model. Using something like Kickstarter is more of a payment method that makes it seem like the creation is actually a job rather than a hobby. If someone is going to make a model as a job then I see no problem, but to say that you are going to willingly create a model just out of fun then it doesn't make sense to get paid in payments, because you aren't working for the payments of one or multiple people; you're working for the joy of creating a model. I'm not saying it's bad to receive money for those things, but to require money doesn't seem cool when it's not a job that is requiring the creation of a model. Hobbies don't earn you money; they cost you money. :lol:

Re: Information: Yz125 Funding

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:15 am
by yzmxer608
If you take so much pride in your work you can't stand seeing people mess with it then you don't belong here. Yeah I take pride in things I do for this game (make them to what I think is satisfying) but I don't care if someone messes with it... I'll give out anything I've made, I don't care. If you want to protect your work that much then put it up on Turbo Squid where it can be safe, but don't expect a site where people do things as a hobby for fun to do so.

These quotes show how I feel.
Mikey wrote:Leave it all free.

If you want to be paid, work at a game studio.
mx985 wrote: but if this really is a problem to you then just stop making models, problem solved. because if you are not making them for people to just enjoy then your making them for the wrong reason.
tyskorn wrote:Hobbies don't earn you money; they cost you money. :lol:
attacker5 wrote:As for the "do it for free". I have been for 6 years, and it does not work, there will be a change, this is just a discussion on what it will be.
Will be or could be?