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Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:32 am
by Pumaxcs
Here is the final version and i am by far sure this is my best to date
Spent atleast at total of 3-4 days of work into this track (how long i had it up in editor or ps)



Special Thanks to
DJ - Banners, Shawdows, Fog/Lighting help, and just some other random things
Wakestyle - AMA Stake
DDMX & Pathry - Greatest critism ever
Community - For the feedback on the Beta

Re: Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:50 am
by kwic73
WOW turned out really good looks so good. Give yourself a pat on the back for this

Re: Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:57 am
by Mikey
this is sexy

Re: Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:23 am
by Dustin434
hmm im not gonna just say tracks are good and stuff im gonna start trying to give good "reviews"

first off i think the start is to short and i didnt play the beta so sorry if i could have said that before
i would have liked some ruts going over the hill after the start most of the berms were great some of the were kinda small and smoothed down i loved how the jumps were kinda like rythem sections were you could take different lines but not to supercrossy were it was like jump jump jump jump
the sand was laid out good on the displacement but the textures idnt look good i tried to tell you that there wasnt any tire tracks and you said there were but unless im blind i didnt see any
i liked the little ruts in going turns and stuff i would have liked to see more on the straits though
your trees were laid out perfect and the lighintg and everything it really felt like riding early in the morning
so heres how it goes for me

textures 6/10 the sand textures looked pretty bad
displacment 8/10some of the berms could have held you in better and some more ruts in the straits
layout 9/10 the start should have been longer
fun 10/10 keep it up
to easy/too hard to ride(dont know a word for that)9/10 it was a little on the easy side
scenery/mood 9.5/10 there could have been more fog edit:after riding more ill move it up to a 9.5
51.5/60 above average \o/

Re: Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:12 am
by Phathry25
After riding this track I'll be removing my statement that Puma has never been to a MX track in his life.

The layout here flows really well with the terrain. It seems like it would be a great layout for a pro race, but the jumps are too small for that. It defiantly feels like a top notch amateur track.

I'm not nuts about the foggy theme, but most of the track seems to follow the morning practice theme. The sand section doesn't so much though. I can't see the sand section being as rough as it is after only a few practices have run on it.

The biggest drawback to this track is that the berms and ruts are useless and ill-placed. Take the left hander at the bottom of the hill right after the start. No ruts/berm there? This is where I think that the morning practice theme really hurts this track. There's a few other places where the berms end too early and you end up running wide or having to stop, point, and shoot because of that. Most of the berms are flat and could use a little curve to them. There's off-camber turns at the bottom of a long downhill w/ no sign of a rut at all. The soil on the track looks like it would be prime rut soil. Not so much the kind that would get whooped out around the entire track, or develop long strait ruts, but good soil to really rip in. When I ride the track I can picture how the lines would develop in real life and its nothing like they are laid out in most corners, which probably adds to my frustration.

The ruts in the sand section are pointless really. The exception being the first left hander has a really nice berm you can shoot off of, although it should probably be a little more concave than what it is, to give the effect that guys are blasting into it WFO. The right hand kink after that should have two berms, one on the edge of the track that is steeper, but doesn't turn a lot, and the inside one being mellow but has a more significant turn in it. It's OK as is, but there's room for improvement. The off-camber left hander is the worst of them all. IMO there should be 3 lines. One on the very inside that's pretty mellow, and starts far inside and ends about 1/2 across the track pointing you towards the inside of the next corner. You'd also need a sweeping run that followed the outside edge of the track that would be pretty high and concave, being the steepest berm on the track. And one where the rut is now in the middle of the track that would be fairly steep, but only have it turn about 1/2 way through the corner then fade away so it would point the bike at the outside berm, so you'd have to turn twice to use that line. JMO of course.

The start is too short, and into a right hand turn. It's not super tight or anything so it is believable. I'd like to see the start swung around to the left of where it is now so it funnels right into the left hander then up the hill.

I know it sound like I'm really doggin' you track but its all small things, that if the track weren't already pretty good I'd never notice. Like I said I can picture perfectly where the ruts should be forming, and picking my lines is totally natural. It's just that the lines aren't where they should be. Also, nice minimap...

Re: Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:48 am
by Rallemx
Uhm..the triple is replaced by a tabletop? :P
And..I like this track, its hard as shit though, I could barely clear half of the jumps LOL but anyway great track Puma :D

Re: Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:16 am
by Rm85#107
O.o looks nice i will download now

Re: Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:23 am
by Rm85#107
Hihi Fun Fun

Re: Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:45 pm
by Pumaxcs
@ dustin- thanks but howd you come up with 51.6/60?
and no you are right no sand ruts when i was changing the sand color cause i thought it was to dark i lightened both the ruts and sand and unfortunatly i just noticed they just disappeared
@pathry- thank you and the map... i remebered this morning either i can make one(bad idea) or you can delete it(good idea)
the ruts yes werent my strong point going down the hill idk why but they just didnt show up maybe i needed more opacity on them but i swear i put them there but they just didnt come up

Re: Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:53 pm
by Dustin434
i added all the stuff together

i did it in my head so its probably wrong cuase i hate math

Re: Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:00 pm
by Voutare
SHIT! That's what I forgot to do with Donington. :/

Shadows. :/ Damn it.

Re: Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:41 am
by ddmx
Well, here's my honest opinion. When used wisely good things will come... haha

The first thing I noticed was the dirt texture. Pretty plain in my opinion. There were really no ruts to it and the definition of the dirt was too light I think. It was kinda like riding a brown highway. The next thing I noticed was the fact that there were still no ruts in the track disp. I'm not sure as to why this was, but through testing I'm sure they weren't just overlooked. Also with the disp, it just mediocre at best. There wasn't really anything too spectacular about it. All the jumps were super rounded, and it still lacked the flow. The elevation with the step ups and downs were good, but still, it was nothing amazing. I would have liked to have seen different jump combinations at the very least, maybe some options, tighter rhythm sections, maybe some outdoor whoops. The texs were not that good at all. The sand dirt was undersaturated and the pebbles or whatever that was mixed in didn't look that good. Also, the blending between the dirt/sand and the grass, was, well, there was none. The grass was over-saturated and looked like something out of the 70's. I like the rut tex on the face of the jumps, but is that the only place there are ever ruts? Maybe on this track yes, but most tracks have lots of definition in the dirt. Tire tracks, ruts, divets, and tearoffs are all things that could be added to increase the reality of the track. I liked the setting, made me feel like I was in England or something, even though I've never left the states. The skybox was decent also. Mainly, I would have liked the track to be a little bit rougher, ruts in the corners, braking bumps, rutted faces. This is personal choice though when making a track, you personally don't have to add it, I just think that most tracks should include it. Also, you said at least 3-4 days of work on the track. I've been working on the disp for the community nat that me and checkerz are doing for about a week now, and I've only got one rhythm section done and another small straight. Until someone spends a great deal of time refining there track, we're not gonna see that great of quality. I'm not downing what you produced by any means, I'll burn some laps on it for sure. I would just like to see some quality work put into tracks. Nothing says that you have to release every track you make. If you don't think it's good enough, then just keep it on the back-burner for a while making subtle changes to it. I would rate this track overall as a 5 out of 10. -2 texs, -2 disp, -1 flow


Re: Double Valley Raceway

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:21 am
by DankeKTM21
Hi guys, i am going to say MY OPINIONS of the track:

4/10 dispmap is so simple, like in MountMcMoto, just rabbit hill with textures, but now you put jumps
i love the sand part maybe if you put ruts it will be better in my opinion

4/10 texture to plain as ddmx says

8/10 enviroment its great

8/10 and object placement too

well i dont like much this style of tracks as you know but i know you put a little effort on it, good job

minimap too lazy man, if you dont make one just delete it

at all 6/10
